Emergency Services

Benefits of De-escalation & OVA Training with Resolution Education

Our training has significantly reduced the amount of violent and verbal outbursts from the public and other aggressors in emergency organisations. This increases the safety for all within a scenario where emergency services are involved. Staff will feel safer in their day-to-day tasks and the emergencies they must assist with. This allows them to focus better on their important role of keeping people safe.

Resolution Education works with staff at any level, whether they are administrators, emergency response staff, or managers and leaders. We make sure to fully understand the day-to-day operations of your organisation, as well as unplanned instances that can occur – including the many dangerous scenarios emergency services workers can find themselves in. We then create customised training methods and accurate role-playing scenarios for your staff. The team is taught how to work together to resolve conflict, and each individual will understand their role in conflict resolution.

Resolution Education’s signature A.D.P. Framework (Awareness, De-escalation, Protection) – our method of delivering training modules by building on skills in levels of advancement – allows trainees to learn the right level of resolution training. Some employees only need the basics, while others require the most complex level. We also teach the legalities, policies and procedures of conflict resolution. Employees learn not only how to keep themselves and others safe, but how to do so correctly. Those who take our training gain peace of mind, knowing they have the ability to deal with the full timeline of a confrontation: learning ways to stop an altercation before it occurs, what to do when one starts, and what to do after.

Comprehensive De-escalation & OVA Training for Emergency Services

De-escalation & OVA Training in Emergency Services

Emergency services workers tend to face many life-threatening situations, often on a daily basis. In their high-pressure roles, dealing with altercations with aggressive people can be not only tedious, but highly dangerous. It is therefore a major benefit to emergency services workers to be armed with the skills to de-escalate a situation and resolve conflict. This helps them to keep themselves and those around them safe.

Aggressive situations may be physical, verbal, or both. In any case, it’s vital that emergency services workers know how to safely handle them when they occur. We believe that all employees deserve to feel safe and know how to protect themselves. Resolution Education teaches not only how to deal with altercations, but how to reduce the risk of them occurring in the first place. This keeps staff confident and gives them peace of mind, allowing them to feel safer while working and do their job better.

We’ve trained:

  • Police Officers
  • Ambulance Officers
  • Fire and Rescue Officers
  • SES Workers
  • St John Ambulance
  • Security Workers
  • Correctional Staff
  • Surf Life Savers

Within the emergency services industry, staff often deal with people who may be injured and in pain, under the influence of medication, drugs or alcohol, or otherwise experiencing high stress and panic. They may also face barriers when communicating, such as cultural/language barriers, or mental or physical illnesses making clear communication difficult. This means altercations can occur quite easily, and it’s extremely important for staff to know how to de-escalate a situation and keep the people they are assisting calm.

Resolution Education’s experience across industries gives us the ability to train your organisation regardless of the operations of your team, and the types of altercations that may be common. We are industry leaders in resolution training and work with organisations of all sizes in all industries. The high-pressure and fast-paced environment of emergency services is no different. We are confident that our training can significantly improve the level of safety of your staff. The organisations we train become safer workplaces, in which staff and the public have a reduced level of risk.

Resolution Education has a proven track record in the successful delivery of the following to emergency services:

  • De-escalation and OVA (Occupational Violence and Aggression) Training Frameworks customised to workplace
  • Tactical Communication
  • Restraints and Seclusion Techniques
  • Consultation with organisation representatives to ensure fit-for-purpose training programs and supporting materials
  • Face-to-face training, or virtual and/or video-based eLearning
  • Delivery of training to a range of levels of staff
  • Evaluation report post-training to determine success level (including the use of trainee feedback)

Training Courses for Emergency Services Workers

  • De-escalation and Advanced Tactical Communication Training
  • Physical Intervention Training
  • Restraint and Personal Safety Protection
  • Non-Punitive and Single Person Restraints (physical and mechanical)
  • Phone De-escalation Training
  • Train the Trainer (have your organisation’s internal trainers deliver OVA and Restraint Training)
  • Customised training for various roles in the emergency services industry

Customise Your Training Now

To enrol or find out more information please call 1300 884 589 or click the button below.

Request a proposal for your training

Please complete the form below to register your interest in running a specially designed training to meet your company needs.

    Select a training option

    De-escalation & OVATrain the TrainerProtective Intervention TrainingCode BlackPhone De-escalationConflict ResolutionRestraintsPolicy ReviewConference/EventOVA Environmental Assessmente-LearningActive Armed OffenderRemote/Offsite WorkingResilience

    De-escalation & OVA
    Train the Trainer
    Protective Intervention Training
    Code Black
    Phone De-escalation
    Conflict Resolution
    Policy Review
    OVA Environmental Assessment
    Active Armed Offender
    Remote/Offsite Working

    More Information


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    If you do not see the email within a few minutes, please check your “junk mail” folder or “spam” folder. We make every effort to ensure your enquiry is addressed within 24 hours, during business hours.

    We look forward to training you and your team very soon.

    Phone: 1300 884 589

    View our services to further understand how Resolution Education can benefit you.​