
Can Virtual OVA Training Make Your Workplace Safer?

4 Benefits of Virtual OVA Training - Australia

4 Benefits of Virtual OVA Training

The prevalence of remote work has been continually rising for the past 20 years, experiencing a notable surge during the pandemic.

In 2022, 29% of Australians worked remotely with a vast majority of employees advocating for remote and hybrid working conditions to continue. As a result, numerous organisations further shifted their operations online.     

Not only that, but the global workforce is also expanding, and organisations are establishing their presence in diverse locations. With the rise of remote, hybrid, and geographically dispersed organisations, arranging employee training can be a logistical and costly endeavour.

That is why, today more than ever, virtual OVA training is necessary. Professional development and training opportunities cannot be exclusive to those who are able to meet at one time in one location. Virtual training means that employees can complete training activities and develop skills online rather than in person. It is a flexible approach that utilises the power of technology.

For this reason, Resolution Education offers virtual training sessions, resting on the belief that all employees deserve to have the necessary knowledge and skills to make their workplaces safer.

What are the Benefits of Virtual Training?

1. Virtual training is accessible.

Are members of your organisation scattered across the country?

Do you have remote workers who cannot easily travel to a central location?


Virtual training is all online and can be accessed by any employee with a device and an internet connection.

This opens the door to a broader audience, enabling geographically dispersed teams to access valuable training effortlessly. This fosters a more cohesive team dynamic where everyone has equal access to high-quality learning opportunities.

2. Virtual training is flexible.

Does your team operate during irregular hours?

Is it challenging to find time for teams to participate in training?


With virtual training, participants no longer need to be constrained by traditional training programs. Virtual sessions can be held outside usual working hours, ensuring that learning does not interfere with day-to-day responsibilities.

For organisations, this translates into a seamless continuation of regular operations while investing in employee development. Virtual training can adapt to your schedule rather than the other way around. The sessions are generally shorter than in-person ones as well.

3. Virtual training is productive.

Do you worry that training is a waste of time?

Does organising training for your team require them to endure lengthy commutes?


Virtual training sessions are designed to be concise, delivering a condensed dose of knowledge. This streamlined approach not only keeps participants engaged but also ensures that their time is used effectively.

Additionally, since participants do not need to travel to a physical location for training, valuable hours are reclaimed. Instead of spending time in transit, participants can dive straight into the content, maximising their productivity.

4. Virtual training is cost-effective.

Does the expense of training concern you?

Is your organisation’s training budget limited?


Virtual training is a cost-effective approach because you can save on travel and accommodation expenses, and the cost of hosting a group of people in a training room.

This cost-effective approach allows organisations and individuals to allocate resources more efficiently.

How does virtual training compare to face-to-face?

Virtual and face-to-face training each have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between them depends on various factors, including the nature of the training, the participants’ preferences and needs, and logistical considerations.

One thing to consider is that since virtual training is generally a shorter session, the content can lack depth. It becomes more difficult to convey all the crucial information in a limited timeframe. This is particularly detrimental to de-escalation and violence prevention training as this topic is so complex. Extended periods of learning enable participants to acquire a deeper understanding of the knowledge and skills required to maintain a safe workplace.

Unfortunately, Virtual training also lacks interaction, connection, and engagement. This is because participants are generally in a room alone and contributing through a screen. It becomes a lot harder to convey emotion, build trust, and foster collaborative discussion in these settings. All of which are key factors in reducing workplace violence.

Lastly, when comparing face-to-face with virtual, the former provides a more authentic learning environment. Participants can role-play scenarios that are relevant to their day-to-day working lives. This ensures they receive maximum impact and can effectively apply what they have learned.

The way forward

If you are one of the many people who value face-to-face training but currently lack the resources to make it happen, it is important to understand that any training, whether virtual or otherwise, is far better than no training at all.

If virtual training is the most feasible option for your organisation, then your team will still benefit highly from this training approach.

At Resolution Education, we endeavour to bring proven and practical techniques to your workplace that can bring about positive change. Whether you are engaging in virtual or face-to-face training, we will work collaboratively with you to ensure we are bringing the best training possible to your team.

Resolution Education Training

Virtual Workplace OVA training has its place in the world of education. It can bring knowledge and skills to workplaces in a flexible, productive, and cost-effective way.

While face-to-face OVA training may offer a deeper and more authentic learning experience, virtual training fills the gap when logistical constraints or remote working conditions make traditional training challenging.

Whether your organisation leans toward virtual or face-to-face training, what truly matters is the commitment to ongoing learning, development, and workplace safety.


Fill in the form below to receive a free consultation and to determine if virtual de-escalation, OVA, code black and more training is right for your team.

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Please complete the form below to register your interest in running a specially designed training to meet your company needs.

    Select a training option

    De-escalation & OVATrain the TrainerProtective Intervention TrainingCode BlackPhone De-escalationConflict ResolutionRestraintsPolicy ReviewConference/EventOVA Environmental Assessmente-LearningActive Armed OffenderRemote/Offsite Working

    De-escalation & OVA
    Train the Trainer
    Protective Intervention Training
    Code Black
    Phone De-escalation
    Conflict Resolution
    Policy Review
    OVA Environmental Assessment
    Active Armed Offender
    Remote/Offsite Working

    More Information


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    We look forward to training you and your team very soon.

    Phone: 1300 884 589

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