For Retailers

Learn How To Treat Your Customers

All retail workers have had at least some kind of interaction with a disgruntled customer. An interaction with a dissatisfied customer can have many different outcomes depending on how you approach the situation, and training in De-escalation by Resolution Education can help you gain the skills necessary to resolve all customer and in-house conflicts.

Why Do Retailers Need De-Escalation Training?

Getting into a debate about company policy with someone who is being irrational will not result in the outcome you would like. As a professional, you must work out what matters more, being right, or solving the problem? Learning to de-escalate an issue through Resolution Education training with key skills suited to the retail sector will have employees feeling confident in solving problems.

Logical reasoning with an emotional person will get you nowhere, most times, a customer will calm down only when they feel like they are being heard and being empathised. And yet, in some instances, simple everyday phrases like ‘I know how you feel,’ that seem harmless and even empathetic, may backfire in the worst of ways by being perceived as condescending. Therefore, de-escalation training for retailers is so necessary for all business representatives that have customer interactions.

What Is De-Escalation Training?

De-escalation training by Resolution Education encapsulates the principals of psychology to create guidelines for minimising conflict. The objective of our de-escalation training is to give you the ability to:

  • Use verbal and non-verbal communication skills to resolve conflict.
  • Diffuse conflict enough that a constructive discussion becomes possible.
  • Recognise the signs of impending conflict.
  • Timely intervene and apply your skills before the interaction becomes aggravated.

How Does Resolution Education Help Improve Your Retail Business?

Emotions cause an unnecessary escalation of conflicts. The training programs we offer here at Resolution Education are specifically designed to teach you strategic techniques that will help you increase your emotional intelligence to tackle all stressful situations confidently.

A representative who has learned to incorporate these techniques into their behaviour will:

  • Have the confidence to deal with uncooperative costumers.
  • Know how to react if a person becomes abusive.
  • Know how to remain safe in interactions that have the possibility of becoming hostile.

A retail worker may know all the ‘right’ ways to react in a tricky situation theoretically, but practising these techniques during a conflict is something that requires a higher level of training. These techniques can be taught in a day, but to have any sort of positive impact, they must be practised effectively and consistently. At Resolution Education, we offer Training for Trainers, which will teach managers to continue the training of their subordinates.

Contact Resolution Education

We understand that the needs of your business are special. Since every business culture is different, Resolution Education allows you to compose a plan that best fits the needs of your company and promotes its brand image.

De-escalation training for retailers is a great way to elevate your business’ image and ensure that your employees are always ready to face any stressful situation with confidence while representing your brand values. Call us today at 1300 884 589 for more information about our various de-escalation and conflict resolution training programs.

Customise Your Training Now

To enrol or find out more information please call 1300 884 589 or click the button below.

Request a proposal for your training

Please complete the form below to register your interest in running a specially designed training to meet your company needs.

    Select a training option

    De-escalation & OVATrain the TrainerProtective Intervention TrainingCode BlackPhone De-escalationConflict ResolutionRestraintsPolicy ReviewConference/EventOVA Environmental Assessmente-LearningActive Armed OffenderRemote/Offsite WorkingResilience

    De-escalation & OVA
    Train the Trainer
    Protective Intervention Training
    Code Black
    Phone De-escalation
    Conflict Resolution
    Policy Review
    OVA Environmental Assessment
    Active Armed Offender
    Remote/Offsite Working

    More Information


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    We look forward to training you and your team very soon.

    Phone: 1300 884 589

    View our services to further understand how Resolution Education can benefit you.​