For Law Enforcement

De-Escalation Training For Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is in place to maintain social peace and officers are oftentimes at the forefront of tense circumstances.

Law enforcement officers are exhaustively trained to handle harsh situations and still be able to conduct themselves professionally while ensuring the safety of those around them. However, one critical aspect where they receive less than an ideal amount of training is in the art of conflict resolution without the use of force.

Ensuring law enforcement officers are adequately trained in de-escalation will better equip each member with the stability to complete their tasks safely and correctly. Therefore, de-escalation training provided through Resolution Education is a must for them to deal with harsh situations tactfully.

Can Law Enforcement Strategies Be Improved Using De-Escalation?

We understand law enforcement are responsible for enforcing the law, preventing chaos and casualties, and also apprehending criminals, they might be met with scenarios where tension levels rise enough to create mistrust amongst the people involved leading to situations of crisis. Learning essential skills in de-escalation through Resolution Education will benefit both the law enforcement officer and society.

By implementing simple strategies law enforcement agencies can significantly improve their interactions with difficult individuals. We equip officers with the necessary skills to confidently manage and control situations ranging from stressful conversations to dangerous encounters.

In recent times, the methods used by law enforcement have come under scrutiny for not being the safest possible actions they could have taken, and critics have stressed upon the need for extensive training in de-escalation in the departments of law enforcement. By applying the strategies of de-escalation that Resolution Education teaches, officers, can slow the situation down and handle it in a way that will have the least harmful outcome.

How Communication Can Help Reduce Conflict For Law Enforcement

The main objective of law enforcement de-escalation at Resolution Education is to reduce the tension and aggravation in a particular situation and achieve a state where a positive verbal dialogue becomes a possibility. The clarity in communication is necessary for these situations since ineffective and inadequate communication skills can result in the situation getting further distressed.

These techniques are a comprehensive set of guidelines to follow, which ensure that law enforcement officers interactions with the public have as little conflict as possible and have dominantly positive outcomes.

Our training in communication will help you:

  • Identify the right choice of words to use (and the wording to avoid) when faced with aggressive or distressed individuals.
  • Learning how to regain control of the situation by listening sympathetically.
  • Learn to pick up non-verbal cues based on body language and using it to make the subject feel safe and give them a sense of security.
  • Understand the positive and negative impacts your body language can have on the situation.
  • Recognising actions and words that might be perceived as threatening and which can needlessly aggravate the situation.

The Outcomes Of De-Escalation Training For Law Enforcement

The main goal to achieve by employing de-escalation strategies is to disrupt intense confrontations. This helps de-escalate the situation in a way that verbal dialogue becomes a practical option.

Resolutions Education’s de-escalation strategies will teach you how first to assess and then manage every situation and its possible outcomes. Once you are fluent in the techniques of de-escalation, you will be able to recognise changes in the behaviour of the distressed individual, such as a sudden change in body language or tone, and foresee possible threats before they occur.

When applied correctly, these strategies will help you

  • prevent potentially violent incidents from escalating to the point where physical force becomes necessary.
  • become more comfortable in your ability to tackle challenging scenarios without resorting to the use of force.
  • Become efficient in finding the first warning signs of conflict
  • Gain confidence in intervening and de-escalating the situation before it gets aggravated
  • Use their increased emotional intelligence to help them regulate their first impulses and stay in control of their instincts, even during violent conflicts.

Why You Should Choose Resolution Education

Traditional law enforcement training does not equip officers with these mental tools resulting in a fight response from them, which leads to flawed decisions made in the heat of the moment.

Resolution Education programs focus on in-depth training in removing barriers of communication and tactical disengagement through theoretical and interactive modules that will provide you with a comprehensive set of skills to diffuse threatening situations effectively.

Our wide array of programs like De-escalation and Occupational Violence and Aggression (OVA) training include physical and non-physical training sessions and are fully customisable for every organization. Contact us today at 1300 884 589 to find out more about our law enforcement de-escalation programs.

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To enrol or find out more information please call 1300 884 589 or click the button below.

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    De-escalation & OVATrain the TrainerProtective Intervention TrainingCode BlackPhone De-escalationConflict ResolutionRestraintsPolicy ReviewConference/EventOVA Environmental Assessmente-LearningActive Armed OffenderRemote/Offsite Working

    De-escalation & OVA
    Train the Trainer
    Protective Intervention Training
    Code Black
    Phone De-escalation
    Conflict Resolution
    Policy Review
    OVA Environmental Assessment
    Active Armed Offender
    Remote/Offsite Working

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    We look forward to training you and your team very soon.

    Phone: 1300 884 589

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