
TCI vs ADP Training

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) vs ADP Training

How does the TCI
and ADP Approach Compare?

A good training program is the cornerstone of effective workplace safety and response efforts. But how easy is it to find one that suits your team? How important is customisation? What key concepts are a priority?

Over the years, many training programs have been developed to address workplace incidents with the goal of safety. Selecting the right program for your team is crucial.

In this blog post, we compare two evidence-based training frameworks. These are the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) approach and the ADP Framework.

What is the TCI Approach?

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) is a crisis management protocol developed by Cornell University. It is designed for residential childcare facilities and extends to families seeking to support their children effectively.

The core aspects of TCI training involve modifying setting conditions—organisational, cultural, environmental, and relational—as well as implementing de-escalation techniques. The training focuses on active listening, effective responses, non-verbal communication, behavioural support techniques, and negotiating rules and expectations.

TCI training also educates participants on methods to safely restrain children who are at risk of injuring themselves or others. The primary goal is to prevent and de-escalate potential crises with children before they escalate to a point where high-risk interventions, such as restraints, are necessary.

TCI training is delivered in various formats, including standard face-to-face sessions, e-Learning, and Train the Trainer programs. These sessions are complemented with workbooks for ongoing learning and content refreshment.

Overall, TCI training involves:

  • De-escalating potential crises
  • Safely and therapeutically managing crises
  • Constructively handling stressful situations
  • Supporting children in improving their coping strategies

What is the ADP Approach?

ADP stands for Awareness, De-escalation, and Protection, and this framework underpins the training programs offered by Resolution Education. These programs cover a range of topics, including workplace de-escalation, restraints, conflict resolution, protective intervention, code black emergencies, and active armed offender incidents.

Each training program is customised to meet specific organisational requirements, tailoring content and scenarios to various industries, including government departments, councils, healthcare and allied health clinics, schools, support services, and more.

The goal of the ADP Framework is to prevent and de-escalate potential crises before they escalate to a point of harm or require restrictive practices. The first module, Awareness, emphasises the belief that prevention is key.

The ADP approach is holistic, with each concept and module building on the previous one. This approach ensures participants have a comprehensive understanding of the appropriate steps to take, depending on the intensity of the situation.

Training with the ADP Framework fosters a culture of safety and ongoing learning. Each session involves in-depth discussion and practice of techniques, with refresher training offered and encouraged.

ADP training is delivered in various formats, including standard face-to-face sessions, virtual sessions, e-Learning, and Train the Trainer programs. These sessions are complemented with workbooks and manuals for ongoing learning and content refreshment. The Train the Trainer courses also provide exclusive access to additional resources, including templates, videos, and more.

Overall, ADP training involves:

  • De-escalating potential incidents
  • Safely and empathetically managing incidents
  • Constructively handling tense situations
  • Customised solutions for different industries and consumers

How do the Training Programs Compare?

Both training approaches are unique but share the common goal of safety.

While TCI is specifically designed for childcare facilities, the ADP Framework is tailored to suit all industries. This customisation is achieved through consultation with each organisation, ensuring the scenario-based training exercises are relevant and practical.

Both programs prioritise prevention by assessing the environment and modifying conditions. These conditions may be physical but can also relate to complacency and a lack of organisational boundaries.

Which Training Is Right for My Team?

If your organisation frequently faces heightened situations involving children, TCI or Resolution Education’s Protective Intervention Training are likely the best choice. These programs are specifically tailored to childcare environments such as residential homes and schools.

However, if your employees are navigating conflicts with colleagues, clients, customers, patients, or members of the public, Resolution Education’s other training programs may be more suitable.

Consulting with the Resolution Education team can help you determine the best-suited training program for your needs. You can also find an overview of the training programs on offer here.


Determining the best training program for your team requires careful evaluation, prioritisation, and expert insight. An effective training program will boost the confidence and safety of your team, but knowing which to choose can prove difficult. If you are still unsure which program is right for your team, speaking with a Resolution Education team member can provide further clarity.


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    De-escalation & OVATrain the TrainerProtective Intervention TrainingCode BlackPhone De-escalationConflict ResolutionRestraintsPolicy ReviewConference/EventOVA Environmental Assessmente-LearningActive Armed OffenderRemote/Offsite WorkingResilience

    De-escalation & OVA
    Train the Trainer
    Protective Intervention Training
    Code Black
    Phone De-escalation
    Conflict Resolution
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    OVA Environmental Assessment
    Active Armed Offender
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